Mood Boards Are The New Vision Boards
Chances are you have heard of vision boards - a corkboard or similar, onto which you paste pictures of things you want to achieve; places you want to travel to, things you want to see, famous people you’d like to meet or be like. Vision boards are a way of plotting out your future, and giving yourself a goal to strive for. “I will go on that adventure to Greece!”
Here at The Stylery Co, for a long time now, I’ve been creating my own version of fashion vision boards, which I call Mood Boards. I make them for each client I see, as a way to visualise the style concepts they are aiming for.
Every client has their own unique style, and all of them have an image in mind when they contact me to work together. There are so many reasons that women ask for help with their style. Their bodies may have gone through changes, such as aging, childbirth, or after traumatic accidents. They may feel unhappy in their current style; common issues are things like weight, height, curves (or lack of them!).
The main issue with all of my clients is that they feel stuck; they’re stuck in their current style, stuck in believing they’re not allowed to dress up, stuck feeling like it’s not fair for them to splash out or indulge themselves in clothing that looks and feels great!
My job is to tell you to stop getting in your own way!
You are allowed to dress up, you’re allowed to have fun, and you’re allowed to feel great while you do it! And this is the reason I make my mood boards for clients. I want to create something that shows the way they could look or feel if they embraced their natural shape and combined it with the style they want to achieve.
I love to create these boards and explore different style options, colour combinations, and imagine the items we’ll add to our capsule collection.
Whether you’re looking for new corporate wear, or trying to find your comfortable work-from-home style, a mood board can help you figure out what will work, and what won’t.
To create these mood boards, I first sit down and have a really good chat with my clients and ask all sorts of questions, not just about style, but about their day-to-day life. What does your everyday look like? Where do you go? Who do you see? How do you want to feel?
We’ll cover all of your favourite things: colours, shapes, patterns, dress-types, shoe-types, pants VS skirts. We will discuss just about everything to find out the cross-section of what you love, and what will work for your current work/life balance. Need more cocktail dresses? Let’s make a formal/semi-formal mood board. Want more cute casual wear? I’m thinking jeans, pullovers and comfy shoes.
Possibly the most important part of a mood board is to just have fun.
If you’re not loving it in your imagination, chances are you aren’t going to love it in person. Let yourself be critical as well as imaginative during this step. Consider options you don’t normally wear; different colour combos, different shapes or fabrics, and different shoes. But if they don’t serve you; get rid of them!
Creating mood boards is just like dressing up - it should be fun and easy, and if something doesn’t fit or feel right, it doesn’t belong there. Cut it out, and move onto the next option! Your mood board should reflect who you are, and what you’re aspiring to achieve. Include quotes or images that fit your theme and style, that inspire you to look for those perfect pieces to put into your capsule collection; your easy go-to wardrobe that you can mix ‘n’ match in lots of ways to create new and exciting outfits.
Do you make your own vision boards or mood boards? What is your favourite part of the process?
A lot of my clients have never even thought of creating a mood board for their clothing goals. But it’s such a simple tool that can make shopping and getting dressed each day faster, easier, and best of all FUN!
For simple tips just like this, join The Stylery Co School where you’ll get access to my Fab Finds, a ton of videos, plus style guidebooks and heaps more!
Ready to style up a storm? Hit up my booking calendar and let’s get together